The Narcissist’s Dilemma: They Can Dish It Out, But . . .

Sure, the narcissist’s many defenses protect them–but at what cost?
Post published by Leon F Seltzer Ph.D. on Oct 12, 2011 in Evolution of the Self

The ability to take criticism well depends mostly on how secure we feel about ourselves. Yet it could hardly be said that any of us actually enjoys being criticized. For it’s a challenge to avoid feeling defensive when we experience ourselves as attacked. At such times, it’s more “natural”–or rather, more aligned with our conditioning–to go into self-protective mode. And typically, the way we choose to protect ourselves is through denying the criticism, indignantly turning on the criticizer, or hastening to disengage from the uncomfortable situation entirely.

Such a well-nigh universal tendency is elevated almost to an art form with those afflicted with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). When criticized, narcissists show themselves woefully incapable of retaining any emotional poise or receptivity. And it really doesn’t much matter whether the nature of that criticism is constructive or destructive. They just don’t seem to be able to take criticism, period. At the same time, these disturbed individuals demonstrate an abnormally developed capacity to criticize others (as in, “dish it out” to them).

Although narcissists don’t (or won’t) show it, all perceived criticism feels gravely threatening to them (the reason that their inflamed, over-the-top reactions to it can leave us so surprised and confused). Deep down, clinging desperately not simply to a positive but grandiose sense of self, they’re compelled at all costs to block out any negative feedback about themselves. Their dilemma is that the rigidity of their defenses, their inability ever to let their guard down (even with those closest to them), guarantees that they’ll never get what they most need, which they themselves are sadly–no, tragically–oblivious of.

To better grasp why narcissists are so ready to attack others and so unable to deal with being attacked themselves, it’s useful to understand something about their childhood. People aren’t born narcissistic–it’s powerful environmental influences that cause them to become so.

As a caveat, however, I should add that no single theory adequately accounts for every instance of NPD. The explanation I’ll be offering, though seminal among those proposed, is still just one of several. But even though it’s a bit oversimplified, I think it elucidates the essential dynamic of the narcissistic defense system better than any of the theoretical alternatives.

Briefly, in growing up future narcissists had many reasons to doubt whether they were good enough. Neglected and ignored, or constantly disparaged and berated by their parents, they were held to unrealistically high standards of behavior. And their caretakers were quick to judge them whenever they failed to live up to such unreasonable, perfectionist expectations. As a result, they couldn’t help but feel defective, not okay, and insecure, doubting their fundamental worth as humans. In most instances, neither did they feel cared about or wanted–as though they were factory seconds, to be tolerated but not respected or loved. Anxiously experiencing their bond to their parents as tenuous (for regardless of how hard they tried, they never seemed able to acquire their approval or validation), in their head they cultivated an imaginary “ideal self” that could get the parental acceptance–even adulation–they craved. If narcissistic adults project an air of importance, superiority, entitlement, and grandiosity, it’s a pronounced reaction (or overreaction) to the massive self-doubt that, frankly, they keep well-hidden beneath the self-satisfied facade they present to others.

The narcissist’s marked lack of accurate empathy for the feelings, wants, and needs of others is all too well known. But what is less appreciated is that this deficiency represents an unfortunate consequence of their growing up so preoccupied with their own frustrated needs–and emotional distress generally–that they could never develop sufficient sensitivity to others. Intensely driven to succeed, or at least see themselves as successful, their focus inevitably became myopic, pathologically self-centered. Others simply weren’t in their line of (tunnel) vision.

Without any clear recognition of what’s motivating them, in their relationships as adults they continue to seek the encouragement, support, and acceptance denied them earlier. Yet, however unconsciously, at the same time they’ve cultivated the strongest defenses against ever having to feel so excruciatingly vulnerable again. And so when they’re criticized, or think they’re being criticized (and they’re definitely hyper-alert to the possibility), they’re compelled to react aggressively, in the frantic effort to avoid re-experiencing the terrible feelings of loneliness, abandonment, or rejection they suffered when they were younger.

It’s especially suggestive that two common terms in the psychoanalytic literature used to describe NPD are “narcissistic injury” and “narcissistic rage.” The “injury” results from their parents’ deficiencies in being able to adequately nurture them, and so make them feel loved–a prerequisite for self-love. Which is why they need constantly to prove themselves by arrogantly claiming a superiority over others that, alone, can make themselves feel “good enough” to be loved . . . but which, ironically, serves in time only to alienate these others.

It’s precisely this need to be viewed as perfect, superlative, or infallible that makes them so hypersensitive to criticism. And their typical reaction to criticism, disagreement, challenges-or sometimes even the mere suggestion that they consider doing something differently can lead to the “narcissistic rage” that is another of their trademarks. To protect their delicate ego in the face of such intensely felt danger, they’re decidedly at risk for going ballistic against their perceived adversary.

All of which indicates just how fragile their artificially bloated sense of self really is. Given the enormity of their defenses, they regard themselves not on a par with, but above others. Yet they’re mortally threatened when anyone dares question their words or behavior. Ancient fears about not being acceptable are never that far from the surface, which is why narcissists must forever be on their guard with anyone who might disbelieve or doubt them. For any external expression of doubt can tap into their own self-doubts.

And this is why, though they can certainly “dish it out” (by way of affirming to themselves their superiority over others), they just can’t “take it” themselves. Obviously, if the child part of them was unequivocally convinced about their basic acceptability–was, that is, adequately integrated into their adult part–they wouldn’t need to boast about (or exaggerate) their accomplishments, or vehemently debate anyone who took exception to their viewpoint. But it’s definitely the case with narcissists that they see their best defense as mandating a good offense.

To sum up the above (as well as extend it), when criticized, narcissists–acutely sensitive to negative evaluation–can begin to experience anxiety or degradation. A certain shame at their non-family-bonded core may rise perilously close to consciousness. So, by way of safeguarding themselves from such never-resolved feelings of worthlessness or defeat, they’re likely to react to present-day threats with contempt or defiance, or with a verbal violence frequently referred to as “narcissistic rage.”

Another way of putting this is that, exquisitely susceptible to criticism because it endangers their frail sense of internal validation, they take great pains to devalue or invalidate the person criticizing them. To achieve such dismissal of the threatening other, they’ll do everything possible to negate their viewpoint. And this can include much more than blaming or indignantly challenging them. For narcissists, when their position has been exposed as false, arbitrary, or untenable, will suddenly become evasive, articulate half-truths, lie (actually, as much to themselves as others), flat-out contradict themselves (and to a degree that can leave the other person gaping!), and freely rewrite history (literally–and audaciously–making things up as they go along). This is why at such times they don’t seem adults so much as six-year-olds. And in fact, when others inadvertently trigger mini emotional crises in them, there’s little doubt that, both cognitively and emotionally, they can regress to a maturity level of that age (or less).

So what’s the final cost of all the narcissist’s efforts to ward off what constitutes for them the unbearable sting of criticism? As already suggested, it’s immense. Though not consciously realized by them, their heart’s deepest desire is to form an intimate bond with another that would successfully address the huge void their parents’ denigration or neglect left in them. But because they’re so strongly motivated to avoid re-experiencing this keenly felt hurt, their overpowering defenses prevent them from letting anyone get close enough to assist them in recovering from their pain. A pain that they conceal quite as much from themselves as others.

Blaming and excessively criticizing others to shore up an extraordinarily vulnerable ego–and reacting antagonistically in the face of anything regarded as critical of themselves–they keep others at a distance that renders any true intimacy impossible. The way they “set things up” in relationships, particularly intimate relationships, makes their self-created dilemma unsolvable. And if they’re married, they can be expected to be especially hard on their spouse.

Recall that they need somehow to see themselves as perfect, for they can’t perceive anything less than that as good enough for the critical parent they’ve internalized (who’s now “immortalized” inside their own head). Consequently, they’re made extremely uncomfortable whenever their mate–implicitly viewed as an extension, or reflection, of their idealized self–reveals an imperfection or makes a mistake. In that moment they experience an irresistible urge to dis-identify themselves from their partner, for their partner is now inextricably linked to parental disapproval and rejection. At such times, they can be extremely unkind–and yes, even brutal–in how they react to them.

At last, the prodigious defenses of those with NPD simply don’t permit them to grow, to evolve, or to take full responsibility for their lives. They’re so “bound” by these defenses (which are more varied than I’ve been able to do justice to here) that there’s a stagnant, two-dimensional quality about them. They’re not really free to reform, to change, to progress, to expand. Given their considerable drive, they’re frequently able to attain more and more things. But as Huston Smith wisely declared: “You can never get enough of what you don’t really want.”

So they remain emotionally and spiritually unfulfilled, hungry for a nebulous something they can’t even conceive. Lacking the ego strength that would allow them to be genuinely vulnerable to others–the prerequisite for the intimacy they secretly long for–their relationships demonstrate a level of detachment not entirely dissimilar from their original so-hurtful disconnection from their parents. But this time they’re not just the victim but the “perpetrator,” too.

In attempting to avoid any resurgence of the acute pain they once felt with their non-nurturant caretakers, they succeed only in muting–or burying–this pain. They’re unwilling to take the chance that authentically opening themselves up to another could lead to a personal fulfillment beyond anything they ever experienced in growing up. So, in playing it safe, they present others with an impenetrable facade. And the price they pay for such habitual self-protectiveness is that their wounded inner child–well-hidden beneath their carefully cultivated, false exterior–can never be healed.

You can read this article and others like it on Psychology Today

My Dearest Sunshine

March 5, 2015

I never noticed the light had left your eyes. To pretend your whole life that everything was OK; to paint on a smile every single day while your heart was breaking; how difficult that must have been for you to hold it all inside and how amazing you are for accomplishing so much in spite of it all.  I believed you’d always come to me.  I never expected you’d believe you had to protect me. My Cindy Lou, my Sunshine, taking on such a role at such a young age should never have happened and I am so sorry that I never noticed the light leaving your eyes.

I was thinking, why can’t you believe in me and trust in me; at least half as much as I believe and trust in you, but I realize you can’t.  How could you?  I failed you. I should have seen the signs. I should have seen the light leaving your eyes.  I should’ve noticed the pain you hid deep inside.  I am so sorry these things happened to you.  I am sorry I did not protect you from him.  I am sorry I did not make it clear enough that you could tell me anything in the world and I would trust and believe every word and I would take any and all actions necessary to protect you and keep you safe from the one inflicting that pain on you.  I just can’t fix what’s broken if no one ever tells me what’s broken.

I’m sorry that John put all of that stuff all over Facebook.  I am sorry he texted people and called people and said all of those things about you to everyone and I’m sorry I wasn’t able to stop him and that nobody else was either.  It’s hurting Devon too.  I tried to get our story out there and you were with me for a bit.  I’m sorry you no longer want me writing, but I have to write.  I have to tell my story and hope that other mothers will become more aware of the signs than I was so that they don’t experience what I am experiencing now and their children don’t live through what mine have lived through.  Had somebody made me aware, maybe I would’ve noticed the light leaving your eyes and maybe, just maybe, I could’ve saved you from him, protected you, done my job as a your Mom.  Besides, John wants me to shut up as do his minions and puppets. When we go silent, he wins.  He gets control again.  I cannot allow that to happen.

I am your mother and you are my daughter.  I have loved you since before I knew when you were coming.  I had been planning you my entire life.  You had a name before you even had a Father, before I had a husband, before I could even create you.  I would never replace you.  I could never replace you.  Never once have I even considered the idea nor would I ever.  You are my one and only Sunshine and you will always be my one and only Sunshine.  You are irreplaceable and you are everything I have always known you would be.  I waited my whole life for you before you came and I will spend my whole life loving you, unconditionally.  I have other children and I love them all.  I have a big enough heart that I can love them and continue to love you.

I know he told you that I love them more than I love you, but he lied. I know that thought he implanted into your mind was triggered when we were in Texas, and you saw me hug Ashley and heard me tell her I love her.  I saw the switch in you flip.  I knew right then that I had just triggered your rage.  Nothing has been the same since that moment.  Know that everything he ever said was a lie.  He said those things to come between us, so you wouldn’t trust me enough to tell me what he was doing to you.  He said those things so that you wouldn’t trust your sisters and so that you wouldn’t have a good relationship with them.  He created chaos and destroyed the relationships between the family members so that nobody would tell anybody else what he was doing to them.  I have triggers too.  You were not his only victim; however, I recognize that you as the ‘golden child’ and Johnny as the ‘scapegoat’ had additional sufferings.

Certain insults are a trigger because I did suffer verbal and emotional abuse during my marriage to your father and now I suffer it from John and from you.  Also from your older brother at times, which I am working on putting a stop to.  I suffer it from you too.  You kids have had some pathetic examples set for you to follow on how to treat your mother.  John was bad about showing you guys that I am worthless and nothing I have to say is important, not even my own decisions and especially my decisions with you kids.  We argued over that quite often.  He’d tell you guys to ask me and I would answer and he’d get mad because I’d give the wrong answer.  Finally, I told him if he doesn’t trust the decisions I make when you kids ask me something, then he should stop sending you to ask me.  You and John argued about that too.  I let you do something and he got pissed off at you because he didn’t want you to do it.  He told you he didn’t care what I had to say about it.  He called me a piss poor excuse of a mother to you.  Imagine that. He was giving you drugs, having you sell drugs, molesting you, manipulating you, degrading you, verbally abusing you and he called me a piss poor excuse of a mother.  I was his mirror.  He was saying that about himself while projecting himself onto me.

He made everybody in the home hate each other by playing games with their weaknesses.  He caused your abandonment issues when he caused your Daddy to stop picking you up for visits.  He then played on those abandonment issues by telling you I’d leave you, or they’d take you from me, or you’d be left all alone if you ever told what he was doing.  Don’t let him win.  Don’t let him get control again.  Your Daddy didn’t mean to abandon you.  He loved you so much.  John made that happen.  He had to isolate you from your Daddy so he could step into that spot and gain your trust.  He chose us as his victims the first day he saw me after Dara left him.  He has been playing with our minds and emotions since day one.

Your sisters didn’t mean to abandon you.  They loved you and still love you, but you were so mean to them back then.  You scared them.  You scared me too at times.  They did not know that you were mean because of the things John carved into your mind.  Your sisters did not even know that both of them were being hurt by John.  They did not come up with some elaborate plan, leaving you out of it, to escape the abuse and abandon you, leaving you behind to continue to be abused.  Ashley only spoke up because Tiffany had spoken up, then they hoped you would speak up if you were experiencing the same abuses. They did not know how long and how often he had been abusing you or of all the threats and promises he had been making you.  They did not know the extent and severity of the abuses he was inflicting on you.  They were just kids, like you, at the time.  They didn’t know anything more than you knew.

Your sisters still love you; they want the best for you and they want you to be OK.  They want a relationship with you again.  They miss you.  They are very sorry for what their father did to you and to everyone else.  I am very sorry too.  I wish I could change everything that has happened and replace the bad memories with beautiful memories, but I do not have that power.  I can only make the future better than the past.

I would never toss you aside for them or anyone else.  I don’t make trades or deals with my children’s lives.  I have told that same thing to John many times; each time he tried to make a deal with all of you.  I do not make deals with children as if they were objects to possess nor do I give in to ultimatums.  He’s given me an ultimatum, too.  If I don’t do as he says, then he will make my life hell.  I am my own person and I am in control of me, not him, so I do what I feel needs to be done.  Like a spoiled brat who has not gotten what he wants, he’s been throwing a tantrum and making my life hell.  So be it.  I will continue to do what I feel is necessary.  I will survive and he will never get what he wants.  This thing that’s going on in our lives with the constant attacks and false rumors he continues to spread to try to finish off our family the rest of the way may never end.  I don’t know.

Take something from a spoiled brat and they tend to throw fits! They will say anything just to hurt! Even get revenge! So so sad!!! ~ John Jaramillo

I am his mirror.  That’s what he said to me.  But he didn’t say it to me; he said it to himself while projecting himself onto me.  I have no idea how long a tantrum like the one he is throwing can last.  I understand it is too much for the injured to bear.  It is too much for you and Devon to bear.  I have done my best to act as a shield for the both of you by putting myself out there and getting between him and the two of you.  It isn’t easy and it brings me pain and heavy burdens, but I can bear it.  My strength as a Mom protecting her children from further harm is greater than he is.  You do not need to worry about me.  You do not need to try to protect me.  I will tend to him.  You focus on yourself and being the kid that you should have been allowed to be all along.  Let Mom handle the monster.  I got this.  Now that I know what’s broken, I know what to fix.

Now you’ve given me an ultimatum. I’m sorry that you are not proud to be my daughter.  I’m sorry that your love for me is not unconditional and that in order to have your love, I have to do as you say.  That is not love.  That is not how love works.  I have done everything to teach you how love works, but I am afraid I am unequipped to undo the damage that John has done and I do not know how to erase the misinformation and ugliness that he has engraved in you.  That is not who you are at the core of your being, is it?  I know that it isn’t.  I know it is John who taught you to be this way.  I taught you differently.  You don’t have to become what he is.  You can still be you.  Not everyone is like him and not everyone is going to hurt you like he did.  No one will hurt you like he did ever again.  No one will be able to once you learn the signs like I’m doing.  I also know you are your father’s daughter and you have his stubbornness, along with many other traits.

Do you know that ultimatums are abuse?  You are attempting to force me to give you what you want regardless of the truth and my feelings and wellbeing.  This is me.  This is who I am.  I am always learning and always growing.  If you cannot accept me as I am, then I will have to accept that.  If I have to change who I am just to be loved by you, then I will have to live without your love because that is not love and it is not you who controls me;  it is me who controls me.  For once in my life, I know who and what I am and I am in control of that.  I am awake.  I am aware.  I am no longer blinded or manipulated.  I see the entire truth, all of its beauty and all of its ugliness. I write the entire truth, both the good and the bad.  I like to write.  It helps me empty my mind, organize my thoughts, put things into perspective, understand more about the events of the past and regain my balance when I go into the negative emotional spin cycle between rage and despair.

I am not afraid to tell my story.  Why are you afraid to tell yours now?  You weren’t afraid before.  You’ve done nothing wrong and you have nothing to hide.  You have nothing to be ashamed for.  There is no shame in admitting somebody hurt you and how they hurt you.  There is also no shame in being honest and admitting your own shortcomings.  You should not be ashamed or embarrassed that you were victimized.  It was not your fault and it was not in your control.  It does not make you less of a person and it does not make you any less intelligent.  You did not make a mistake.  You were taken advantage of by somebody who pretended to love you.  He is a great pretender.  You are becoming a great pretender too.  Don’t let him dictate your future.  Don’t let him finish off what’s left of our family.  We need to stick together and keep our bonds strong.  Together we can fight him and win.  And with all of us together, all seven of us working together, there is nothing he can do to hurt us and we can put him where he belongs.  You could tell your story and it would help you as well as other people that are going through what you have gone through.  You don’t have to take the path of the abuser.  You can take the path of the warrior.  It is your choice.  You have made your decision.  I will accept it as it is.

I accept you for whom and what you are.  I love you unconditionally and I always will.  I will not subject myself no others in my home to abuse.  I cannot have abusive people in my home.  As much as I love you, I cannot allow you to abuse me or anyone else in my home.  You know right from wrong.  You know what it’s like to suffer abuse.  You don’t like it and neither do I.  If you wish to take the easy road, I cannot stop you and I will no longer try.  Monsters are not allowed in my home.  If ever you decide to do the right thing, to act with honor and integrity, the way you used to be and to follow your dreams and live a happy, satisfying life instead of carrying that anger around with you everywhere you go, I’ll be here for you.

All of my love,
        All of my Thoughts with you,
                All of my Prayers for you,
        Always and Forever,
Always Unconditionally,
        With a Heavy Heart,
                By The Grace of God I Go

P.S.  I am adding Zac to my story in the next few days and more of my story with you, explaining and demonstrating the abuses I have suffered from the both of you.  I will also be revealing that I am not the only one with a daughter spreading lies about me now.  Participating in the actions of the main abuser.  My best friend has the same issue and the words that came out of her mouth sounded just like yours.  I am no longer tolerating abuse from anyone.  I know you’re hurting, but it is not my fault and I will not allow you, nor Zac, nor Jos to take your anger out on me.  Welcome to adulthood: the place where actions have consequences and you get exactly what you give.

Characteristics of a Narcissistic Parent

Keep these in mind as you watch my new video, “Verbal Abuse is Domestic Violence”, which will be posted in “Your False Rumors and Gossips are Killing my Children” later today.

From Children of the Self Absorbed: A Grownup’s Guide to Getting over Narcissistic Parents by Nina Brown

  • Turns every conversation to him or herself.
  • Expects you to meet his or her emotional needs
  • Ignores the impact of his negative comments on you
  • Constantly criticizes or berates you and knows what is best for you
  • Focus on blaming rather than taking responsibility for his own behavior
  • Expect you to jump at his every need
  • Is overly involved with his own hobbies, interests or addictions ignoring your needs
  • Has high need for attention:
  • Brags, sulks, complains, inappropriately teases, is flamboyant, loud and boisterous
  • Is closed minded about own mistakes. Can’t handle criticism and gets angry to shut it off
  • Becomes angry when his needs are not met and tantrums or intimidates
  • Has an attitude of “Anything you can do, I can do better”
  • Engages in one-upmanship to seem important
  • Acts in a seductive manner or is overly charming
  • Is vain and fishes for compliments. Expects you to admire him
  • Isn’t satisfied unless he has the “biggest” or “best”
  • Seeks status. Spends money to impress others
  • Forgets what you have done for them yet keeps reminding you that you owe them today
  • Neglects the family to impress others. Does it all: Is a super person to gain admiration
  • Threatens to abandon you if you don’t go along with what he wants
  • Does not obey the law–sees himself above the law
  • Does not expect to be penalized for failure to follow directions or conform to guidelines
  • Ignores your feelings and calls you overly sensitive or touchy if you express feelings
  • Tells you how you should feel or not feel
  • Cannot listen to you and cannot allow your opinions
  • Is more interested in his own concerns and interests than yours
  • Is unable to see things from any point of view other than his own
  • Wants to control what you do and say–tries to micromanage you
  • Attempts to make you feel stupid, helpless and inept when you do things on your own
  • Has poor insight and can not see the impact his selfish behavior has on you
  • Has shallow emotions and interests
  • Exploits others with lies and manipulations.
  • Uses emotional blackmail to get what he wants
  • May engage in physical or sexual abuse of children

Posted from Angries Out

Conversations With a Narcissistic Sociopath – Originally written Oct 27, 2014

"[ Thursday, March 27, 2014 12:20:32 PM ] John Jaramillo (+15202496898): If you're back with Brian why won't you just let my son come live with me?"

"[ Thursday, March 27, 2014 12:22:40 PM ] John Jaramillo (+15202496898): I'm not with anybody"

"[ Thursday, March 27, 2014 7:40:49 PM ] Me: Who said I was back with Brian?"

"And you are with Missy."

"[ Thursday, March 27, 2014 7:43:43 PM ] John Jaramillo (+15202496898): No I'm not with Missy! wtf I fuck around just to see how everyone reacts and all Hell breaks loose. We where just fucking around is all. We haven't even talked sense the races."

"[ Thursday, March 27, 2014 8:16:16 PM ] John Jaramillo (+15202496898): Ok nvm."

Brian and I did get together again in late April. I could not be happier with anyone else than I am with him. He is real and this time, I did a background check to be sure.

He was with Missy. She had already moved in with him. So why was he trying to hide it or lie about it? It wasn't a secret. Everyone already knew.

He is my son too and he can't live there. I will not allow it. Not now. Not ever. Child molesters don't get custody. Even if he weren't a child molester, I still wouldn't allow it. For the same reason why we decided to leave him the first time. For the same reason why the kids were taken from us in 2005 and part of the reason they were taken in 2010. Because the only thing he can teach Devon is how to be a drug dealer and an addict and a liar. Because he is mentally, emotionally, and verbally abusive. Because his children are not his number one priority. Because his weed is the most important thing in the world to him. It's more important than being a man and obtaining gainful employment so he can support his family like real men do. It's more important than his other responsibilities. He'd rather have his utilities shut off and use the bill money to get more weed than anything else. He risked the family too many times already and caused damage beyond repair.

Devon woke me up about 3 AM this morning. He didn't come and wake me up. He was crying and his crying woke me up. I went and sat with him on his bed and held him while he cried. As I soothed his cries, I asked him what was wrong. He didn't answer. I asked him if he missed his dad. He said he misses everybody. He misses his family, his sisters and brothers and how things were. My heart hurt for him. I can't fix that. I can't give him that back. It's gone forever. What I can do, is arrange for phone calls and visits so there is something left of all that's lost.

He feels that he would be a better person, happier, different, had he never been taken from his family. I understand that. All the kids would be better had they never gone through that. Had JJ been different and not continued to risk everything.

JJ isn't even done causing damage and now he's drug Missy in to assist him. This time, it's her who has filed false allegations and not just against me now. They've started in on C. She filed false allegations against C too and C and I both have to be in court Thursday morning to address the allegations. If you miss 10 days of school in a quarter, regardless of the reason for missing school and they don't have to be in a row, they put you in audit status. What audit status means is the credits you would earn for the classes that quarter are stripped from you. She's already in audit status. She's worked very hard to recover from 4th quarter of last year, which JJ destroyed through the stalking ad harassing, and has her GPA back. They are talking about her not receiving her credits for any of it which would mean having to retake the classes, not graduate on time, not begin her career as planned, and all the hard work she has put into raising her grades will have been pointless. A big waste of time and effort. I've spoken to the school and been assured she will get her credits, but I do not have that in writing and received another audit status notice since then. I can only pray that they do not strip her of her credits.

There's nothing like victimizing the victims. Dragging them down and destroying them while they are trying to recover and heal and lead a normal life. JJ says the actions they are taking against us will cease as soon as I drop the Order of Protection and Criminal Investigation. And he wants Devon to live with him. So, do I give in and give him what he wants before there's nothing left for him to destroy or do I risk it all to prevent him from damaging Devon any further? I've contacted every agency I can think of for assistance and no one can assist. The Order of Protection isn't doing us any protecting. The belittling, degrading, insulting, defaming, being falsely accused and reported and drug through court by them filing lies against us, even though we prove the reports and filings are untrue, will continue to occur and will continue to escalate because I cannot drop anything. Unlike JJ, my children are my number one priority and I will not make deals with them. They are not commodities nor bargaining tools and I can't give in and let him get away with everything he has done and is doing. Moving isn't feasible at this time. That said, I have to do what I have to do to put an end to this without giving in to him. There's only so much harassment a person can handle and I've had my fill.

I'd give anything for a time machine right now. On the bright side of things, the dark cloud of destruction named JJ is no longer influencing family relations and everyone is getting along better than ever. C spends a lot of time with Devon and does things with him. Devon enjoys cat fishing at night with Brian and I. The kids and I have rebuilt our bonds of love and trust immensely stronger than ever before and we've become quite the unit together. We are the only ones we trust and the only ones we rely on. No one will ever break through these bonds. Our family, although smaller than before, is protective of each other and what is left and we won't let anyone take anything more from us. I'll protect it at all costs and by any means necessary.

Never give up. Show no mercy.

Text exchanges below between JJ and I are from November 2012, when I filed for the Divorce. He had moved in with Cassandra and wanted to move on. He tried bargaining the children then too. I love the way he talks about how he owns everything, paid for everything, yet he's never worked nor earned any money. He only had one car when I moved in with him. I had a job and I started paying bills right away. They were all past due, including his rent. We had to move because he didn't want to pay the rent. The place we moved to, we got evicted from. He wouldn't pay the rent. I got us a house through a friend of George Brown's, my boss at the time. I made the owner an offer to purchase and the owner accepted. I paid the mortgage and all the bills so that nothing got behind, shut off, or foreclosed on. I refinanced and paid off debts and car loans with some of the cash out.

He has no GED nor HS Diploma. He has no job skills. He's worth less than minimum wage. Those are his words, not mine. So how is it all his and why does he claim he paid for everything when I'm the only one that had an income?

He never paid the title loan he took out on my truck and Allied Cash Advance came and took my truck away. I did pay off the Title loan on the Honda that he had promised to Cynthia but then sold. Just like everything else he told the kids was theirs.

He's selling Devon's dirt bike now. The one he picked up for Devon; was going to fix-up with Devon; and tech Devon how to ride but never did. It's not Devon's anymore. He took it back. Nothing belongs to anyone but him. He owns everything and everyone in the household. That is a trait of an abuser.

As for who pushed what children away, that is crystal clear. He has no children. I have all my children, not all living with me, but all still in my life. They left him because they didn't want to be neglected, verbally assaulted, emotionally blackmailed and physically, emotionally, mentally and sexually abused anymore. He destroyed the family, shattered it to pieces and damaged some things beyond repair.

John: "I will probly need a copy to show the new landlord I'm not on that lease. Cause I told him about that one. So he will need proof"

Melissa: "What new landlord?"

John: "Getting a new place away from this one still"

"Melissa: With Cassandra?"

John: "Yes cause she lives in bisbee and we wold like a safe place for all the kids and us to live" [Because the Golden Acres house isn't safe. It's where he deals his weed from.]

Melissa: "That was fast."

John: "I don't know what u mean? I still need a house out side this one for all the kids.
U r seeing other people so we must b done. Must move on. And I can't b alone"

Melissa: "Whatever."

John: "If that's what u say?"

Melissa: "I'm not fucking anybody. Leave me alone right now."

John: "That's not what your text say from your new friends
But ok"

Melissa: "What texts? What new friends? Whatever. Enjoy."

John: "Ok still can't tell me the truth it's cool"

Melissa: "I'm not fucking anybody. FFs. I've been on a couple dates. I've nothing to hide. How long you been fucking Cassandra?"

John: "Not fucking"

Melissa: "Having sex…fucking…at least since November 2nd"

John: "No I'm to busy for that. U can think what u want. I just want a family."

Melissa: "I'm just shocked at how quick you moved on when you supposedly loved me so much. I have a little more paperwork to fill out then you can be free of me."

John: "Nice head game. Let u go fuck around while I wait then come back to me. I don't think so. By the way I saw mark and cathy this weekend at the races and they told me everything u said so your full of it. U meant to hurt me and u did. Thanks I saw mark and cathy this weekend at the races and they told me everything u said so your full of it. U meant to hurt me and u did. Thanks"

Melissa: "I haven't spoken to mark and Cathy. You're off the lease. You cannot go in my home whenever you want any longer.
It's not that you're seeing somebody. It's that you're moving in so soon"

John: "Wow really. Now I'm an enemy. I see your true colors come out" [He wasn't living with me. He wasn't paying my bills. He wasn't providing me with anything at all, yet he thought he should have free access to my home anytime he wanted and when I corrected him, he called me evil.]

***   ***   ***   ***   ***

John: "That's fine. But that's what I mean always seems to be about control. If that's what u want then fine do what u want."

Melissa: "There's also the extreme fear of another CPS case and knowing what you do isn't completely legal"

John: "That's why another house is in play. But what u also do is at risk so don't threaten me.
And what I'm up to is on the up and up as the sherries said when they came by. CPS will not b involved unless u make them
Sheriffs said.
I have two cards in place and the right amount of plants I'm suppose to have. And am done with any others I was dealing with. The store opens December and I plan on going with that mostly and hand most of this over. U just didn't want to understand"
[What you are doing is NOT on the up and up and the Sheriffs said no such thing.  Show me one Sheriff that says it is OK to sell weed to the kids at Buena from the Auto Shop or that it's OK to have kids sell weed for you.  You can't name a single one.  He never did open the store nor did he stop dealing or hand anything over to anyone else. The store was an utter failure, just like everything else in his life. His card expired.  It is still expired, yet he still uses it as an excuse to be a lazy piece of garbage.]

Melissa: "I'm not doing anything at risk nor am I threatening you."

John: "Ok then we understand each other."     [This reads as a threat – subtle – but it's there]


John: "If u are going to take him from me then do it now and stop playing games. Your using him as leverage just like u did with my other stuff. If u want to hurt me that bad then just take him from me. I thought u said u would give me a son? Now I see again how it's been this whole time. If u want it all then just take it!
Your breaking my hart anyways."    
   [Absolutely emotional blackmail.  I am not a broodmare.  I did not get pregnant just to hand you a son. You had another son but you beat him regularly starting before he could even walk.]

Melissa: "I'm not taking him from you. I'm filing joint custody and parenting time"

John: "What ever"         [He didn't want joint custody.  He wanted me to hand over Devon and walk away. I had to make adjustments because I learned he was a child abuser and molester.  The law doesn't allow joint custody in that case nor would I ever allow him any type of custody over any of my children again.]

Melissa: "And what you mean other stuff?"

November 16, 2012

John: "Fuck it take it all! Ralph was right"

Melissa: "I'm not taking it all"

John: "Cynthia was right too

"U came into to my life with no transportation and u used my cars and truck to get what u wanted. That's why I say fuck it take it all. I don't care anymore I'm just going to pick up the loses and find new ones.             [You had nothing without me]

"The only thing I can't replace is my one and only son and now u want him too. [He's my son, too.  He's not property to give to one person or the other]

"I didn't take your children from u. U pushed them away. And all I did is love them" [You do not show love to your daughters the same way you do your wife. Beating the boys is not a loving act.  Why does he always have to bring up the children?  Because the children are my number one priority and the only way he can hurt me is through them.]

Melissa: "Slow down"

John: "What u mean slow down u have me fired up now!"

Melissa: "I didn't do anything."

John: "The fuck u didn't!"

Melissa: "First off, everything we have we built together. It's all community property. I am not asking for equal division. Just two vehicles. That's it."     [I walked away without much of anything of all that we had built during the marriage.  He had nothing when we met, except an old car.]

Melissa: "Secondly, with regards to Devon, joint custody is fair and in his best interest. He will stay with you half time and me half time. I'm going to scan the papers and email them so you can see."

John: "Ok if that's how u c it. But I did work my ass of to get that shit."         [Because my perspective, just like my feelings, thoughts and opinions are always wrong.  He is always sure to tell me what my perspective, feelings, thoughts and opinions really are.]

Melissa: "I worked too. We did it together.
And my kids and I are getting along just fine. Do not throw them in my face. Totally inappropriate."

John: "Ok I know u worked but u worked on your own things. And when u did stuff do me I most of the time had pay for it."

Melissa: "We both paid for everything.""

***   ***   ***   ***

Melissa: "I'll be getting off early. You have the renewal for the tags on the dodge?"

John: "No but I can get them. Are u going to. Are u going to make me pay back every thing. If so I think u should give me that mustang. Cause I have money in it too. And if u want me to pay the Honda and dodge truck off that's not fare. Dodge 1900 plus Honda 4 something and tags. What are u going to pay? And the washer and drier u take care of because u got the tv Your not helping take care of any of our loose ends. Your making me pay for it all."  [I paid for everything for the entire 12 years together.  How dare you insinuate I've done nothing and you've done it all.  YOU DON'T EVEN WORK!  How'd you pay for anything without an income?]

Melissa: "I'm paying on the washer/dryer and Honda. I'm going to pay for the tags on the dodge too. The loan on the dodge is your responsibility. I've already caught up on most bills at my new house and finally paid off the last of the gas deposit. So, no, I'm not making you pay for everything."

John: "U didn't say u where paying the Honda the last we text about bills. The bills at your new house like u said your house. But the bills we had together like u said. Why do u think the truck was just my bill when I used the money from it to catch up our other bills. And now u want me to pay it all myself. I had to pay new bills at my new house so we got in the same boat their." [Cassandra paid the bills at the new house]

"But what ever u know I just don't care."

"I just don't understand why u want that mustang outer than to stick it to me. Cause I have some attachment trough that motor that I had built from tom. Now your taking it." [I bought the rebuild kit and paid Tom to build the engine and traded my old restoration project to Tom for part of the engine. The Mustang was donated to the Hobby Shop.]

"And your not going to do anything with it. Except maybe give it to someone who doesn't really deserve it. But again fuck it if that's how you want to stab me ok then."   [More emotional blackmail]

John: "And Devon wants to talk to the judge who settles all the divorce too. And I think he should." [Devon doesn't need that kind of pressure.]

Melissa: "The truck loan helped pay your debt to John."  [His weed supplier.]

Melissa: "With regards to the Mustang, I have an attachment to it as well. We've always called it my mustang. I've always wanted to get it finished and cruise it around which is what I plan to do with it. I'm not sticking it to you or anything like that."

John: "Ill even stop seeing your children just give me my son. And no we used the money to pay the Honda off. And I invested in john to get more money. I thought that's what u thought. Lol"     [Still treating the children as possessions….Yes like I said, you used to pay your debt to John.  Invested in John.  Paid your pot debt and re-upped.  That's what you got the loan on my truck for.  Then, you never paid the loan back and they took my truck away.]

Melissa: "You have a problem with the joint parenting plan? It's 50/50. Totally equal time with him."

Melissa: "So you're going to just dump Ralph and Cynthia?"

Melissa: "Family replaced."

John: "No but he wants me to have main custody not u. He wants me to make Decisions for him."    [You cannot even make decisions for yourself, let alone a child.  We all know what decisions you made for the other children and they were all horrible abusive decisions.]

"No I don't want to but it seems like u want it that way? So I'm willing to please u by staying away from them to have my son"

"I don't care about anyone else but my son"

Melissa: "I'm not making deals with my children's lives. I'll continue to do what's in their best interest. I'm filing the papers this afternoon. You'll need to put your objections in your response then."  [It is not my fault you decided not / failed to participate un your own divorce.   That's what happens when you stay stoned stupid all day every day.  Time slips by and your dumb ass is too fucking lazy to get up and tend to your responsibilities.  The only thing you aren't too lazy to do is crawl in bed with little girls.] 

John: And yes got another family. And going to have more children together witch u said u where done with. I'm not done. And not old. I want more children and u don't. So yeah another family. It's what I need in my life. I lost all the others 😦   [You aren't a young buck, either.  Maybe you should get a job so you can support a family BEFORE you go looking for a family.  You lost all the others…That is nobody's fault but your own.]

Melissa: "When that ones done, I'm sure you'll replace it too. [Didn't like the sexual remarks you made to her daughters, eh?  And now Missy and her girls are the new replacements. ***UPDATE:  Missy is ou t and replaced by Angie and her 13 year old daughter.  ]
I can't have anymore children nor do I want more children." [He'd been trying to talk me into having more kids since the other's were taken. I declined.]

John: "Nice very nice. Thanks"

Melissa: "Welcome. It angers me that you want to use the kids as pawns n make deals with their lives.
I really cannot believe you suggested that."            [This is a good place to say "I told you so".]

John: "Then just give me my son and get on with your life"

Melissa: "I don't dispose of my children. Joint custody, 50/50, best interest for Devon."    [Sadly, I was mistaken.  Joint, 50/50 is not in Devon's best interest.  Devon's best interests are served by JJ not having any custody, decision making, or involvement in his life what-so-ever.]

John: "U r the one using the kids ask them
If u say so
Your in control anyways so it doesn't matter anything I say or do."

Melissa: "Do not fight me on this please. I'm his mom and your his dad and there's nothing wrong with the way the parenting plan is written. I have to be in control. It is my life and I control my life."                  [Everything could've been so simple.  I made it so easy.  Equal time with Devon, you got the house, all the cars save my transportation to and from work plus my project, all of the other assests of the marriage.  I got all new everything and took nothing.  You weren't satisfied with that.  You wanted it all and for me to walk away completely empty handed.  you even wanted me to walk away from our son and abandon him like you did your other three children.  You are seriously mental.]

***   ***   ***   ***   ***

I haven't been silent, but I don't think I have been loud and clear enough. The easiest way to explain it so people understand and stop calling me crazy it to show them in JJ's own words and other things. I'll be doing the documentation of the signs of the sexual abuse soon. Medical records documenting the physical side-effects of the abuses and sexual abuse suffered by the children as well as the emotional and mental effects. There are others I will be listing as well that are long-term side effects and only now being discovered and documented. No, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or if I'll regret this. But…I get an inbox once in a while containing a thank you and/or words of encouragement. So…I shall carry on and hope for the best.

The children have done nothing wrong. They are not mentally deficient not handicapped. They carry the scars of their childhood just like everyone else. Some need a little more help getting past the past than others, but they are all beautiful, wonderful kids in spite of what JJ put them through.


No More Silence

When the Abuser Choses to Heal & An Open Love Letter to Your Inner Child

I don’t remember where I found this gem.  I saved it a while back and just found it by accident.

That means, it is time to share it.  Everyone has a right to be loved.  Everyone matters.  Even those who hurt us matter and deserve to be loved.  Most people who hurt other people have been hurt themselves.  I’ve been hurt and some times, when the hurt keeps coming, I hurt back.  I think it is very rare that we run into those who are truely pure evil and simply born that way.  When those who have been hurt begin to heal, their need to hurt fades into the darkness as they begin to shine brighter in the light.  We have all hurt back and we can all understand.  Is it possible to show a little love and compassion, even for those who hurt you?  If nothing else, allow them the opportunity no one else allowed them.  Allow them the peace they need in their lives to heal from their past hurts. Life is too short to carry so much anger, bitterness, and hatred inside of you.  You have to let it go else you will become the monster you are fighting.


An Open Love Letter to Your Inner Child
{Amélie – Screenshot}

To the child who couldn’t understand

why nobody could understand.

To the one whose hand was never taken,

whose eyes were never gazed into by

an adult who said,

“I love you.

You are a miracle.

You are holy,

right now and


To the one who grew up in the realm of “can’t.”

To you who lived “never enough.”

To the one who came home to no one there, and

there but not home.

To the one who could never understand why

she was being hit

by hands, words, ignorance.

To the one whose innocence was unceremoniously stolen.

To the one who fought back.

To the one who shattered.

To the never not broken one.

To the child who survived.

To the one who was told she was

sinful, bad, ugly.

To the one who didn’t fit.

To she who bucked authority

and challenged the status quo.

To the one who called out

the big people for

lying, hiding and cruelty.

To the one who never stopped loving anyway.

To the child that was forbidden to need.

To the ones whose dreams were crushed

by adults whose dreams were crushed.

To the one whose only friend

was the bursting, budding forest.

To the ones who prayed to the moon,

who sang to the stars

in the secrecy of the night

to keep the darkness at bay.

To the child who saw God

in the bursting sunshine of

dandelion heads

and the whispering

clover leaf.

To the child of light who cannot die,

even when she’s choking

in seven seas of darkness.

To the one love

I am and you are.

You are holy.

I love you.

You are a miracle.

Your life,

your feelings,

your hopes and dreams–

they matter.

Somebody failed you but you will not fail.

Somebody looked in your eyes and saw the sun — blazing — and got scared.

Somebody broke your heart but your love remains perfect.

Somebody lost their dreams and thought you should too,

but you mustn’t.

Somebody told you

that you weren’t


or too much,

but you are

without question

the most perfect

and holy creation of





{You Are Loved}